TRAINING DAYS - Weather - Seabreeze
Now that you have booked here's some important stuff to do before the course and assessment:
If you are presenting yourself solely for assessment then be sure to checkout these test questions on-line: TEST QUESTIONS and RST WORKBOOK DOWNLOAD
If you have signed up for the training course, don't worry about absorbing all the contents of the workbook, we will go into the important stuff in detail during the course.
If you do not have an Australian driving licence you must have an eyesight test by an optimeterist, medical practitioner or registered nurse using the form: Application for Eyesight Test.
If you are not yet 18yrs old you must have your parent or legal guardian complete the: Parental Consent Form
You must provide acceptable PROOF OF IDENTITY (see POI page).
Training begins promptly at 0800 on the day selected and is located at the sea rescue boat shed, 26 Atkinson Way, Lancelin, WA 6044; unless otherwised advised.
On the day of the course you must bring the relevant information above and the following items: (There is a high probability of getting wet.)
PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT DAY (Your vessel must be properly equipped and in good working order)
Specific tasks you will be assessed on include:  0406787070  ABN: 71 199 782 394 Assessor #100
MiCa Maritime Training
Safety through awareness and training